Book Name: Traveling Salesman Problem, Theory and Applications
Category: Algorithms
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Traveling Salesman Problem, Theory and Applications

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Description of book

This book is a collection of current research on the application of evolutionary and other optimization algorithms to solving the itinerant salesman problem (TSP). It brings together researchers with applications in artificial immune systems, genetic algorithms, neural networks, and differential evolutionary algorithms. Combination systems, such as Fuzzy Maps, Mixed Maps and Parallel TSPs are also presented.

Most importantly, this book presents both the theory and practical applications of TSP, which will be an important tool for researchers and graduate students in the fields of applied mathematics, computer science and computer science. and technical.

Traveling Salesman Problem, Theory and Applications

Author(s): Donald Davendra (Ed.)

Publisher: InTech, Year: 2010

ISBN: 9789533074269




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