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Textbook of Biological Psychiatry – Jaak Panksepp
About this book
A Textbook of Biological Psychiatry integrates the basic science concerning brain mechanisms of psychiatric disorders alongside surveys of present standard clinical treatment. Organized in a coherent and easy to follow structure, chapters expand across different levels of analysis, from basic mechanisms to clinical practice. This comprehensive reference provides an integrative treatment of the biochemistry of neurotransmission, behavioral pharmacology, and clinical aspects of psychiatric problems including depression, manic-depression, and mood disorders. Other chapters address the biological mechanisms and treatment of depression, anxiety, panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and addictions. The editor concludes with a perspective on the future of the field and prospects for understanding and effectively treating mood and anxiety disorders.
Textbook of Biological Psychiatry PDF
Author(s): Jaak Panksepp
Publisher: Wiley-Liss, Year: 2004
ISBN: 0471434787
[PDF] Textbook of Biological Psychiatry – Jaak Panksepp Table Of Contents
Foreword……Page 18
Preface……Page 22
Contributors……Page 24
Overture……Page 30
Historical Overview……Page 32
Three Giants of the First Half of the 20th Century……Page 34
About 1910–1940: The Meyerian Synthesis of a Holistic Psychobiology……Page 36
World War II through the 1970s: The Psychoanalytic Era……Page 37
Ultrapositivistic Psychopharmacology Era (1970–Present)……Page 39
Dilemma of Psychiatric Diagnostics: DSMs and Beyond……Page 44
Functions of Diagnostics……Page 46
From Pathophysiology to Pathogenesis……Page 47
Perennial Problem: Distinguishing Affective and Cognitive Processes……Page 51
Coda: Intersection of 20th-Century Forces Leading to a 21st-Century Synthesis……Page 55
References……Page 56
On the Nature of Emotions……Page 60
Emotional Changes Following Brain Damage……Page 63
Neuroimaging Studies of Emotion……Page 66
Brain Changes as a Function of Emotional States……Page 71
Reciprocity of Human Cortico-Limbic Activity……Page 77
Basic Emotional Operating Systems of the Brain: Animal Studies……Page 78
Generating Emotional Feelings through Upper Brainstem–Limbic and Cortical Interactions……Page 86
Conclusions and Some Psychiatric Implications……Page 92
References……Page 93
Introduction……Page 102
Dualism versus Emergent Properties……Page 104
Nosology: Core versus Extended Consciousness……Page 105
Classical Work on the Neural Substrates of Consciousness……Page 106
Recent Work on the Neural Substrates of Consciousness: Brief Overview of Anatomical, Connectivity, Neuromodulatory, and Neurodynamic Aspects……Page 107
Case Study 1: Delirium—A Common Disorder of Attentional Function and Working Memory……Page 111
Neuroanatomical Systems and Consciousness—Basic Lesion/Functional Correlates……Page 115
Thalamic Systems……Page 119
Cortical Systems……Page 121
Two Case Studies of Mesodiencephalic Lesions……Page 125
Neurodynamic Aspects of Consciousness……Page 129
Summary Heuristics/Questions for Future Research……Page 132
References……Page 134
Introduction……Page 138
Theoretical Framework for Understanding Stress Responsive Systems……Page 139
Diathesis-Stress Models……Page 141
Stress Responsive Systems……Page 142
Integrative Role for Brain Cytokines……Page 149
Sexuality and the Passions of the Brain……Page 151
Sleep, Stress and the Restoration of Brain and Mind……Page 157
References……Page 163
Overview……Page 172
What Are Personality Disorders?……Page 173
What Is Personality?……Page 177
How Are Personality Disorders And Personality Related?……Page 179
What Leads to “Disordered Personality”?……Page 180
How Can “Disordered Personality” Be Treated?……Page 184
Postscript: A View to the Future……Page 186
References……Page 187
Introduction……Page 194
Magnetic Resonance Imaging……Page 195
PET and SPECT……Page 196
Studies of Cerebral Metabolism and Blood Flow……Page 198
Neurotransmitter Imaging Studies……Page 204
Future Directions and Challenges……Page 213
References……Page 214
Diagnostic and Clinical Features……Page 224
Treatment Options……Page 228
Syndromal Markers……Page 230
Biochemical Markers……Page 233
Regional Brain Markers……Page 235
References……Page 248
Overview……Page 258
Classification……Page 259
General Treatment Principles……Page 262
Antidepressants……Page 266
Somatic Treatments for Major Depression……Page 277
Antimanic and Mood Stabilizers……Page 279
References……Page 286
Introduction……Page 294
Diagnosis and Classification of Schizophrenia……Page 295
Etiology……Page 297
Environmental Risks……Page 301
Course of Illness……Page 303
Neuropathological Abnormalities……Page 304
Neurocognitive Problems……Page 312
Neurochemical Abnormalities……Page 314
Animal Models……Page 316
Conclusion……Page 319
References……Page 320
Introduction……Page 326
Targets of Pharmacological Treatment……Page 327
Pharmacological Treatment……Page 329
Course of Treatment……Page 333
Combining Several Medications……Page 336
Future Trends……Page 338
References……Page 342
Introduction……Page 346
Psychobiology……Page 351
Psychophysiological Effects of Trauma……Page 352
Lessons from Neuroimaging……Page 357
Implications for Treatment……Page 362
References……Page 365
Defining the Syndrome of Panic Disorder……Page 372
Course of Panic Disorder……Page 374
Basic Models of the Etiology of Panic Disorder……Page 375
Treatment of Panic Disorder……Page 381
Long-Term Outcome of Treatment Trials for Panic Disorder……Page 386
References……Page 388
Introduction……Page 394
Epidemiology……Page 395
Clinical Presentation……Page 397
Comorbidity……Page 399
The OCD Spectrum……Page 400
Neurobiology……Page 402
Treatment……Page 409
References……Page 412
Introduction……Page 420
Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Specific Genetic Syndromes……Page 421
Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia……Page 435
Disorders of Impulse Control……Page 436
Conclusions……Page 446
References……Page 447
Further Readings……Page 462
History……Page 464
Cognition and Memory in Normal Aging……Page 466
Mild Cognitive Impairment……Page 470
Definition of Dementia……Page 475
Diagnosis of Dementia……Page 477
Some Major Causes of the Syndrome of Dementia……Page 478
Alzheimer’s Disease……Page 479
Frontotemporal Dementia……Page 488
Vascular Dementia……Page 494
Dementia with Lewy Bodies……Page 498
Conclusions……Page 502
References……Page 503
Introduction……Page 516
Subcortical FEAR System of the Mammalian Brain: The “Royal Road” to Understanding the Nature of Angst……Page 519
Treatment of Anxiety in Clinical Practice……Page 526
Dispersion and Functions of Fear Systems in the Brain: Continuing Studies of the Neuroanatomy of FEAR……Page 532
Experiential-Affective Attributes of Fear and Anxiety……Page 533
Concluding Remarks……Page 538
References……Page 539
Introduction……Page 548
Electroconvulsive Therapy……Page 549
Magnetic Seizure Therapy……Page 552
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation……Page 553
Vagus Nerve Stimulation……Page 559
Deep Brain Stimulation……Page 563
Psychiatric Neurosurgery……Page 564
Future Directions……Page 566
References……Page 567
Introduction……Page 576
Definition of Psychoanalytic Concepts……Page 577
Challenge of Combining Paradigms……Page 579
Future Prospects……Page 593
Conclusions……Page 594
References……Page 595
Introduction……Page 598
Depth Neuropsychology and Issues of Methodology……Page 600
Prevalence of Psychological Changes in Neurological Patients……Page 602
Lesions to the Left Convexity……Page 603
Ventromesial Frontal Lobes……Page 606
Confabulation and the Neurobiology of Emotion Systems……Page 609
Lesions to the Right Convexity……Page 612
Conclusion……Page 617
References……Page 618
Introduction……Page 624
Relevant Evolutionary Concepts……Page 625
Sociobiological Factors of Ultimate Causation……Page 631
Psychiatric Pathogenesis as Communicational Disorder……Page 634
Research on Substance Abuse and Social Rank Hierarchy……Page 640
Preliminary Treatment Implications……Page 645
References……Page 647
Introduction……Page 654
Neuropeptide Medicines: Still Waiting in the Wings……Page 657
Emotional Foundations of Psychiatric Disorders……Page 659
Neuropeptides in Psychiatric Disorders……Page 661
Affective Foundations of Psychiatric Disorders and the Neurochemical Coding of Emotions……Page 663
Two Childhood Disorders: Debatable Examples of Neuropeptide and Neurobehavioral Approaches……Page 672
Neurotrophins and Psychiatric Disorders……Page 674
Conclusions……Page 676
References……Page 678
Introduction……Page 688
Pharmacodynamics: What Can the Drug Do to the Body?……Page 689
Pharmacokinetics: What Can Happen to a Drug in the Body?……Page 697
Drug interactions, Tolerance, and Dependence……Page 705
For Further Reading……Page 707
Index……Page 710
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