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Tag: the great beanie baby bubble mass delusion and the dark side of cute

The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute book pdf free downloadThe Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute By Zac Bissonnette

There has never been a craze like Beanie Babies. The $5 beanbag animals with names like Seaweed the Otter and Gigi the Poodle drove a large swath of America into a greed-fueled frenzy as they chased the rarest Beanie Babies, whose values escalated weekly in the late 1990s. Just as strange as the mass hysteria was the man behind it. Sometimes called the “Steve Jobs of plush” by his employees, he obsessed over every detail of every animal his company ever released. He had no marketing budget and no connections, but he had something more valuable – an intuitive grasp of human psychology that would make him the richest man in the history of toys. The Great Beanie Baby Bubble is a classic American story of people winning and losing vast fortunes chasing what one dealer remembers as “the most spectacular dream ever sold.


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