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Tag: the art of calligraphy david harris

The Art of Calligraphy book pdf free downloadThe Art of Calligraphy: A Practical Guide to the Skills and Techniques By David Harris 

First published in the UK in 1995, this lavishly illustrated guide provides historical information as well as practical instructions in lettering. Illustrates 26 different styles, including all major Latin-based scripts, such as Roman, Gothic, Renaissance and Copperplate. Includes a script reference chart, a glossary, a bibliography and an index. The author is an internationally renowned teacher of calligraphy. His other publications include ‘Calligraphy, Inspiration, Innovation, and Communication‘.

Whether you want to personalize stationery or enhance other special gifts and objects, The Art of Calligraphy
helps you choose equipment, from brushes, pens, pencils, papers, to inks, and then shows exactly how to produce every letter of the alphabet in a number of different scripts.

A richly illustrated manual traces the history of Western calligraphy, demonstrates various scripts, and shows manuscripts and inscriptions from the past, as it offers step-by-step guidance on how to master the essential skills and techniques of fine writing.

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