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Masonry Design and Detailing

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Masonry Design and Detailing Book By Christine Beall

Book Description:

Covering an unprecedented range of materials, technologies, and regulations, Masonry Design and Detailing is an essential resource for architects and masonry contractors. Completely updated, this hands-on guide features insight on the complete range of masonry topics: wall systems, unit and mortar selection, component detailing, building code compliance, and much, much more. Plus, you get discussions on a host of topical issues, including:* ASTM standards* MSJC Code (ACI 530)* International Building Code Requirements (New)* New drainage accessories* Residential foundation requirements (New)* Masonry bracing standards (New)* Barrier, drainage and rain screen walls (New)* Window flashing details (New)* More than 80 new illustrations* And much more!Detailed enough for the working professional – and still appropriate for the apprentice – Masonry Design and Detailing provides hundreds of illustrations to maximize your understanding of these critical issues. When it comes to quality masonry, this book should be at the foundation of your work.

Brick is the oldest manufactured building material, invented almost

10,000 years ago. Its simplicity, strength, and durability led to extensive use,

and gave it a dominant place in history alongside stone.

Rubble stone and mud bricks, as small, easily handled materials, could

be stacked and shaped to form enclosures of simple or complex design. Handshaped,

sun-dried bricks, reinforced with such diverse materials as straw

and dung, were so effective that kiln-fired bricks did not appear until the

third millennium B.C., long after the art of pottery had demonstrated the

effects of high temperatures on clay.

Masonry Design and Detailing PDF

Author(s): Christine Beall

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional, Year: 2003

ISBN: 0071377344

