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Advanced Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series

Advanced Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series Free PDF Book

Book Description:

Advanced Foundation Engineering is the second volume in the series on geotechnical engineering, closely following A Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering written to meet the requirements of undergraduate students. This volume covers various aspects of foundation engineering, bringing together all the relevant advanced theories coherently. As foundations have to be designed to simulate field conditions, it is imperative that the consulting engineer must be conversant with all the theories that are available as also the available approaches. This volume strives to meet most of these requirements It also presents in detail author s own research work on laterally loaded pile foundations to solve many of the problems confronted in this field. The approach is direct and simple as compared to the complicated methods proposed by others. This is an excellent text reference for the postgraduate students, practising engineers, consultants, researchers and professionals, in addition to serving as a valuable resource for the candidates appearing in Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers (GATE), UPSC and other national selection entrance tests/examinations. 1 introduction. 2 shallow foundaion 1,2,3,4, 3 deep foundation

Advanced Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series PDF

Author(s): V N S Murthy

Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors, Year: 2007

ISBN: 8123915063

Advanced Foundation Engineering V N S Murthy PDF

