Book Name: Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice
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Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice 

Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice pdf

Book Description:

This book deals with the currently most relevant topics in price index numbers theory and practice. The problem of the harmonization of Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs) and the time-space integration of baskets is analyzed at the EU-zone level, with methodological and practical proposals on how to proceed for an overall treatment of the matter. Another issue is comparisons between Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) and CPIs. Likewise, the construction of sub-indexes for households, economic and social groups is investigated to obtain specific inflation measurement instruments. The book provides evidence from the most updated databases. Among the other issues treated in this book are spatial comparisons of price levels through PPPs and the international comparisons of macroeconomic aggregates, a re-consideration of index numbers theory, the measurement of production in non-market services, deflation problems, and price indexes in financial markets.

Table of contents :

Front Matter….Pages i-xii
Front Matter….Pages 1-1
Are Integration and Comparison Between CPIs and PPPs Feasible?….Pages 3-24
Retrospective Approximations of Superlative Price Indexes for Years Where Expenditure Data Is Unavailable….Pages 25-42
Harmonized Cross Region and Cross Country CPI Time-Space Integration in the Euro-Zone….Pages 43-59
Front Matter….Pages 61-61
Modelling Spatially Correlated Error Structures in the Time-Space Extrapolation of Purchasing Power Parities….Pages 63-96
Price Indexes across Space and Time and the Stochastic Properties of Prices….Pages 97-114
Intra-National Price Level Differentials: The Italian Experience….Pages 115-130
Front Matter….Pages 131-131
Consumer Price Indexes: An Analysis of Heterogeneity Across Sub-Populations….Pages 133-149
Price Dispersion: The Case of “Pasta”….Pages 151-166
Measuring the Production of Non-Market Services….Pages 167-187
Front Matter….Pages 189-189
Total Factor Productivity Surpluses and Purchasing Power Transfers: An Application to the Italian Economy….Pages 191-206
Jointly Consistent Price and Quantity Comparisons and the Geo-Logarithmic Family of Price Indexes….Pages 207-222
Front Matter….Pages 223-223
Common Trends in Financial Markets….Pages 225-238
An Application of Index Numbers Theory to Interest Rates….Pages 239-248
Sector Price Indexes in Financial Markets: Methodological Issues….Pages 249-264


Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice

Author(s): Luigi Biggeri, Tiziana Laureti (auth.), Luigi Biggeri, Guido Ferrari (eds.)

Series: Contributions to Statistics

Publisher: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, Year: 2010

ISBN: 9783790821390


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