Book Name: [PDF] Instrument Engineers’ Handbook by B. G. Liptak
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Instrument Engineers’ Handbook by B. G. Liptak Book

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Author:B. G. Liptak
Book Description:

The three-volume Instrument Engineers’ Handbook continues to be the premier reference for instrument engineers around the world. It helps users select and implement hundreds of measurement and control instruments and analytical devices and design the most cost-effective process control systems that optimize production and maximize safety.

Volume I: Process Measurement and Analysis is fully updated with increased emphasis on installation and maintenance consideration. Its coverage is now fully globalized with product descriptions from manufacturers around the world.

Volume II: Process Control and Optimization continues the tradition of providing quick and easy access to highly practical information. The authors are practicing engineers, not theoretical people from academia, and their from-the-trenches advice has been repeatedly tested in real-life applications. Expanded coverage includes descriptions of overseas manufacturer’s products and concepts, model-based optimization in control theory, new major inventions and innovations in control valves, and a full chapter devoted to safety. With more than 2000 graphs, figures, and tables, this all-inclusive encyclopedic volume replaces an entire library with one authoritative reference.

Volume III: Process Software and Digital Networks provides an in-depth, state-of-the-art review of existing and evolving digital communications and control systems. While the book highlights the transportation of digital information by buses and networks, the total coverage doesn’t stop there. It describes a variety of process-control software packages suited for plant optimization, maintenance, and safety related applications. In addition, topics include plant design and modernization, safety and operations related logic systems, and the design of integrated workstations and control centers.

Instrument Engineers’ Handbook – Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition is the latest addition to an enduring collection that industrial automation (AT) professionals often refer to as the “bible.” First published in 1970, the entire handbook is approximately 5,000 pages, designed as standalone volumes that cover the measurement (Volume 1), control (Volume 2), and software (Volume 3) aspects of automation.

This fourth edition of the third volume provides an in-depth, state-of-the-art review of control software packages used in plant optimization, control, maintenance, and safety. Each updated volume of this renowned reference requires about ten years to prepare, so revised installments have been issued every decade, taking into account the numerous developments that occur from one publication to the next.

Assessing the rapid evolution of automation and optimization in control systems used in all types of industrial plants, this book details the wired/wireless communications and software used. This includes the ever-increasing number of applications for intelligent instruments, enhanced networks, Internet use, virtual private networks, and integration of control systems with the main networks used by management, all of which operate in a linked global environment.

Topics covered include 3ed Volume:

Advances in new displays, which help operators to more quickly assess and respond to plant conditions
Software and networks that help monitor, control, and optimize industrial processes, to determine the efficiency, energy consumption, and profitability of operations
Strategies to counteract changes in market conditions and energy and raw material costs
Techniques to fortify the safety of plant operations and the security of digital communications systems
This volume explores why the holistic approach to integrating process and enterprise networks is convenient and efficient, despite associated problems involving cyber and local network security, energy conservation, and other issues. It shows how firewalls must separate the business (IT) and the operation (automation technology, or AT) domains to guarantee the safe function of all industrial plants. This book illustrates how these concerns must be addressed using effective technical solutions and proper management policies and practices. Reinforcing the fact that all industrial control systems are, in general, critically interdependent, this handbook provides a wide range of software application examples from industries including: automotive, mining, renewable energy, steel, dairy, pharmaceutical, mineral processing, oil, gas, electric power, utility, and nuclear power.

Instrument Engineers’ Handbook Volume I

Instrument and automation engineers’ handbook. Volume I, Measurement and safety





Buy Paperbook:Instrument Engineers’ Handbook: Process Control v.2

Instrument Engineers’ Handbook Volume II

Instrument and Automation Engineers’ Handbook Volume II: Analysis and Analyzers





Buy Paperbook:Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition


Instrument Engineers’ Handbook Volume III

Instrument Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Fourth Edition




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