Book Name: [PDF] Flask Web Development
Category: Web Development
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Flask Web Development PDF

56cdc3f394c5f.jpeg Author Miguel Grinberg
Isbn 9781449372620
File size 7 Mb
Year 2014
Pages 258
Language English
File format MOBI
Category Web Development

Flask Web Development PDF

Book Description:

Take full creative control of your web applications with Flask,
the Python-based microframework. With this hands-on book,
you’ll learn Flask from the ground up by developing a complete
social blogging application step-by-step. Author Miguel
Grinberg walks you through the framework’s core functionality,
and shows you how to extend applications with advanced web
techniques such as database migration and web service

Rather than impose development guidelines as other frameworks
do, Flask leaves the business of extensions up to you. If you
have Python experience, this book shows you how to take
advantage of that creative freedom.

  • Learn Flask’s basic application structure and write an
    example app
  • Work with must-have components—templates, databases, web
    forms, and email support
  • Use packages and modules to structure a large application
    that scales
  • Implement user authentication, roles, and profiles
  • Build a blogging feature by reusing templates, paginating
    item lists, and working with rich text
  • Use a Flask-based RESTful API to expose app functionality
    to smartphones, tablets, and other third-party clients
  • Learn how to run unit tests and enhance application
  • Explore options for deploying your web app to a production

Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python PDF

Author(s): Grinberg, Miguel

Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Year: 2014

ISBN: 9781449372620,1449372627







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