IELTS Vocabulary Booster PDF Download now.
IELTS Vocabulary Booster by Artur Krotkov, Nadin Miles
IELTS Vocabulary Booster is written for those candidates who want to get highest Score in IELTS test/exam and get admission in the desired university. In this book you will write an essay using best vocabulary. This “IELTS Vocabulary Booster by Artur Krotkov, Nadin Miles” Quide can also be used for IELTS speaking preparation, IELTS listening preparation and IELTS reading preparation. IELTS Vocabulary Booster contains more than five thousand new words on topics like IELTS writing task,education, health, environment, crime and punishment, food, art, globalization, technology, and outer space. The main aim/objective and focus of “IELTS Vocabulary Booster by ” is to help everyone IELTS condidate higher score in IELTS test.
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