Book Name: [PDF] Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and Challenges for the Future by Tjamos, Papavizas and Cook
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Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and Challenges for the Future by Tjamos, Papavizas and Cook :: The papers contained in this book were presented at a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) held at Cape Sounion, Athens, Greece, 19-24 May, 1991. The twenty-eight more comprehensive papers represent the key subjects of the ARW covered by invited speakers. The thirty-four short papers presented in a research format are contributions of those invited to participate in the ARW. There was a total of 70 participants from 21 countries. The objectives of the ARW were as follows: to review current knowledge of biological control of plant diseases and plant parasitic nematodes, with emphasis on mechanisms at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecosystem level; to examine and expand on current concepts and synthesize new concepts; to identify and prioritize limitations in the use of biological control for plant diseases and nematodes and the scientific research needed to overcome these limitations; and to develop strategies for biological control through management of resident agents or introduction of natural or modified agents.

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Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and Challenges for the Future by Tjamos, Papavizas and Cook

Title: Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and
Challenges for the Future
Editor: E. C. Tjamos & G. C. Papavizas & R.J.Cook
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: Springer
Length: 446 pages
Size: 14.1 MB
Language: English




[PDF] Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and Challenges for the Future by Tjamos, Papavizas and Cook Book Details

Biological Control of Plant Diseases: Progress and Challenges for the Future

Author(s): E. C. Tjamos (auth.), Prof. E. C. Tjamos, Dr. G. C. Papavizas, Dr. R. J. Cook (eds.)

Series: NATO ASI Series 230

Publisher: Springer US, Year: 1992

ISBN: 978-1-4757-9470-0

[PDF] Biological Control of Plant Diseases Progress and Challenges for the Future by Tjamos, Papavizas and Cook Table Of Contents

Front Matter….Pages i-xiii
Selective Elimination of Soilborne Plant Pathogens and Enhancement of Antagonists by Steaming, Sublethal Fumigation and Soil Solarization….Pages 1-15
Biological Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes….Pages 17-20
Prospects for Management of Natural Suppresiveness to Control Soilborne Pathogens….Pages 21-34
Use of Agricultural and Municipal Organic Wastes to Develop Suppressiveness to Plant Pathogens….Pages 35-42
Leaf and Blossom Epiphytes and Endophytes as Biological Control Agents….Pages 43-54
The Weakening Effect as a Trigger for Biological Control and Criteria for Its Evaluation….Pages 55-61
Integrated Control of Verticillium Wilt of Cotton by Soil Solarization and Tolerant Cultivars….Pages 63-67
Evaluation of Soil Solarization for the Control of Fusarium Wilt of Tomato….Pages 69-73
Evaluation of Soil Solarization Singly or in Combination with Fungal or Bacterial Biocontrol Agents to Control Fusarium Wilt of Carnation….Pages 75-78
Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens by Suppressive Compost….Pages 79-83
Preliminary Studies on Biological Control of Potato Common Scab Caused by Streptomyces Sp…..Pages 85-93
New Information about Take-All Decline and Its Relevance to Research on the Control of Take-All by Biological Control Agents….Pages 95-98
Competition for Carbon in Soil and Rhizosphere, a Mechanism Involved in Biological Control of Fusarium Wilts….Pages 99-104
Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of Carnation….Pages 105-108
Biological Control of Botrytis Cinerea ….Pages 109-111
Control of Rhizoctonia Sheath Blight and Other Diseases of Rice by Seed Bacterization….Pages 113-123
Control of Botrytis Rot of Grapes and Vegetables with Trichoderma Spp…..Pages 125-132
Future Alternatives to Synthetic Fungicides for the Control of Postharvest Diseases….Pages 133-138
Key Factors in the Development of Fungal Agents for the Control of Cyst and Root-Knot Nematodes….Pages 139-144
Biological Control of Damping-Off Diseases with Seed Treatments….Pages 145-156
Modes of Action of Mycoparasites in Relation to Biocontrol of Soilborne Plant Pathogens….Pages 157-167
Ice − Strains of Pseudomonas Syringae Introduced to Control Ice Nucleation Active Strains on Potato….Pages 169-174
Biological Control of Root Diseases with Pseudomonads….Pages 175-184
Rhizosphere Population Dynamics and Internal Colonization of Cucumber by Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria which Induce Systemic Resistance to Colletotrichum Orbiculare ….Pages 185-191
Trichoderma Species Against Gummosis Disease in Lemon Trees….Pages 193-196
Biocontrol of Sugarbeet Damping-off with Chaetomium Globosum : Promises and Questions….Pages 197-201
The Use of Pythium Periplocum to Control Damping-Off of Cucumber Seedlings Caused by Pythium Aphanidermatum ….Pages 203-206
Mycostop Biofungicide — Present Status….Pages 207-210
A Customized Approach to Biological Control of Wheat Root Diseases….Pages 211-222
Biological Control of Selected Soilborne Plant Pathogens with Gliocladium and Trichoderma ….Pages 223-230
Biological Control of Diseases of Crops Grown in Covered and Environmentally Controlled Structures….Pages 231-241
Biological Control of Sclerotium Rolfsii Root Rot of Sugarbeet with Trichoderma Harzianum ….Pages 243-247
Studies on Minimedusa Polyspora , a Biological Control Agent of Soilborne Plant Pathogens….Pages 249-253
The Use of Trichoderma Spp. to Control Soilborne Plant Pathogens in Egypt….Pages 255-258
Bacterial Isolates from Citrus and Pear Microflora Antagonistic to Ice Nucleation Active Pseudomonas Syringae PV. Syringae Strains….Pages 259-265
Biological Control of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum and Botrytis Spp…..Pages 267-271
Novel Management Strategies for Plant Parasitic Nematodes….Pages 273-276
Improvement of Trichoderma and Gliocladium by Genetic Manipulation….Pages 277-286
Do We Really Understand Crown Gall Control by Agrobacterium Radiobacter Strain K84?….Pages 287-293
Induced Resistance Using Pathogens and Nonpathogens….Pages 295-303
The Genetic Mechanism of Hypovirulence in Cryphonectria ( Endothia ) Parasitica ….Pages 305-316
Biological Control of Root Rot Diseases of Peas….Pages 317-320
Induction and Molecular Analyses of Resistance to Barley Powdery Mildew….Pages 321-326
Energy Stress in Relation to Germinability and Virulence of Root Infecting Fungi….Pages 327-330
Effect of Chitinase Encoding Genes in Biocontrol Pseudomonas Spp…..Pages 331-333
Integration of Chitin-Degrading Microbes into Biological Control System for Fusarium Wilt of Strawberry….Pages 335-339
Induced Plant Resistance in Vascular-Wilt Biocontrol….Pages 341-344
Characterization of Mutants of Trichoderma Harzianum with Altered Antibiotic Production Characteristics….Pages 345-351
Bacterial Metabolism of Propagule Germination Stimulants as an Important Trait in the Biocontrol of Pythium Seed Infections….Pages 353-357
The Use of Host Resistance to Control Fusarium Wilt of Kabuli Chickpeas….Pages 359-362
Siderophores and Ferric-Siderophore Receptors of Plant Crowth-Promoting Fluorescent Pseudomonads….Pages 363-365
Quality Criteria for a Biopesticide Based on Trichoderma Harzianum ….Pages 367-370
Risks of Releasing Wild-Type and Genetically Engineered Biocontrol Organisms into the Ecosystem….Pages 371-379
Biocontrol Product Fermentation, Formulation and Marketing….Pages 381-387
Environmental Implications of the Release of Biocontrol Agents….Pages 389-397
Systems for Efficient Delivery of Microbial Biocontrol Agents to Soil….Pages 399-406
The Ecology of Genetically Altered Bacteria in the Rhizosphere….Pages 407-413
Biological Control of Fusarium Wilts with Nonpathogenic Fusaria….Pages 415-426
A Method to Screen Trichoderma Isolates Against Soil Sclerotial Fungi and Armillaria Root Rot….Pages 427-430
Biological Control of Apple Crown Rot and Replant Disease….Pages 431-435
Use of Mycoparasites for Biological Control of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum in the Glasshouse….Pages 437-441
Effectiveness of Acremonium Alternatum and Glycerol Against Cucumber Powdery Mildew ( Sphaerotheca Fuliginea )….Pages 443-446
Back Matter….Pages 447-462


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