Book Name: [PDF] Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for engineers and scientists by Steven C.Chapra
Language: English
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Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for engineers and scientists Steven C.Chapra

Free Download Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for engineers and scientists PDF Book 

Author(s)  : Steven C.ChapraWriter   : McGraw Hill
Version      : Third
Pages       : 673
dimension          : 7.45 Mb

Book Description:

Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB is written for students who want to learn and apply numerical methods to solve engineering and science problems. As such, the methods are motivated by problems rather than by mathematics. That said, sufficient theory is provided so that students understand the techniques and their shortcomings.

McGraw-Hill’s Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student’s work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a “multi-step solution” which helps move the students’ learning along if they experience difficulty.


Half one: Modeling, Computer systems, and Error Evaluation
1. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Downside Fixing
2. MATLAB Fundamentals
3. Programming with MATLAB
4. Roundoff and Truncation Errors
Half two: Roots and Optimization
5. Roots: Bracketing Methods
6. Roots: Open Methods
7. Optimization
Half three: Linear Programs
8. Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices
9. Gauss Elimination
10. LU Factorization
11. Matrix Inverse and Situation
12. Iterative Methods
13. Eigenvalues
Half 4: Curve Becoming
14. Linear Regression
15. Basic Linear Least-Squares and Nonlinear Regression
16. Fourier Evaluation
17. Polynomial Interpolation
18. Splines and Piecewise Interpolation
Half 5: Integration and Differentiation
19. Numerical Integration Formulation
20. Numerical Integration of Features
21. Numerical Differentiation
Half six: Abnormal Differential Equations
Chapter 22: Preliminary-Worth Issues
Chapter 23: Adaptive Methods and Stiff Programs
Chapter 24: Boundary-Worth Issues

Solutions Manual to accompany Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists



Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists PDF

Author(s): Steven C. Chapra Dr.

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Year: 2017

ISBN: 0073397962






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