Home Engineering Books Civil Engineering Books [PDF] Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering

[PDF] Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering

[PDF] Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering[PDF] Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
Info:Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering

Book Description:

“This book is fast becoming the standard text in its field”, wrote a reviewer in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology soon after the first appearance of Dake’s book. This prediction quickly came true: it has become the standard text and has been reprinted many times. The author’saim – to provide students and teachers with a coherent account of the basic physics of reservoir engineering – has been most successfully achieved. No prior knowledge of reservoir engineering is necessary. The material is dealt with in a concise, unified and applied manner, and only the simplest and most straightforward mathematical techniques are used. This low-priced paperback edition will continue to be an invaluable teaching aid for years to come.

Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering PDF

Author(s): L.P. Dake (Eds.)

Series: Developments in Petroleum Science 8

Publisher: Elsevier Science, Year: 1978

ISBN: 9780444418302

Size:7.25 MB



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