Book Name: Research Methodology Methods and Techniques
Category: Engineering Books
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Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by CR Kothari

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Research Methodology Book by CR Kothari


Book Name: Research Methodology Methods and Techniques

Course Name : Research

Writer: C.R. Kothari

Book Format:  PDF File – Portable Document Format

Language: English

Book Info:  414 Pages & small file File

Publisher: New Age International Publishers

ISBN: 8122415229,9788122415223

Book Courtesy: Classics

Edition: 2nd




Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques (For VTU)


Author(s): K. N. Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, M. Mathirajan

Publisher: Pearson Education, Year: 2012

ISBN: 9788131767788,9788131798997


Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques (For ANNA Univeristy)


Author(s): K. N. Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, M. Mathirajan

Publisher: Pearson Education, Year: 2012

ISBN: 9788131767771,9788131798911



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