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Engineering Business and Professional Ethics

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Engineering, Business and Professional Ethics by Simon Robinson, Ross Dixon, Christopher Preece and Krisen Moodley

Book Description:

Engineering, as a profession and business, is at the sharp end of the ethical practice. Far from being a bolt on extra to the ‘real work’ of the engineer it is at the heart of how he or she relates to the many different stakeholders in the engineering project.Engineering, Business and Professional Ethics highlights the ethical dimension of engineering and shows how values and responsibility relate to everyday practice. Looking at the underlying value systems that inform practical thinking the book offers a framework for ethical decision-making. Covering global corporate responsibility to the increasing concern for the environment within the engineering business, the book offers ways in which value conflict can be handled. Integrating practice, value and diversity the book helps to prepare the engineer for the ethical challenges of the 21st century.This book is essential reading for all students on courses accredited by the Engineering Council e.g. Civil, Chemical, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering who need to be aware of ethics. Also of interest to practicing engineers and professionals such as Sustainability Managers and Community Workers involved in engineering projects.The authors have worked together in the area of engineering, professional and business ethics for many years and are all members of the National Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of Leeds. * Integrates ethical considerations into everyday decision-making * Shows how to review and overcome professional ethical problems * Practical case studies and examples throughout

Engineering, Business & Professional Ethics PDF

Author(s): Simon Robinson, Ross Dixon, Christopher Preece, Krisen Moodley

Year: 2007

ISBN: 0750667419




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